Blue Horizon blue horizon



We plan, organize and perform/provide the following types of services:

  • EISHA and EBS surveys
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Analytical soil/water/air quality test services
  • Waste management surveys and studies
  • Hydrology and Bathymetry services
  • Topographic surveys
  • Pursuance and negotiation of environmental permits
  • Investigation, assessment and remediation of contaminated sites
  • Due diligence studies


EISHA and EBS surveys

Our staff have an extensive experience in performing EISHA and EBS surveys. We can assist our clients in assessing the level of effort and we plan our surveys meticulously. We provide all the logistics and security. We organize and pursue all the necessary permits required to access the survey sites. We have access to extensive technical and human resources needed to perform the surveys. Our staff are professionally trained to conduct soil/water/air/sediment sampling and the field tasks are documented in detail and communicated to the clients on a daily basis. The conveyance of samples from the field to the analytical laboratories is processed with strict adherence to chain of custody documentation.


Environmental Monitoring

To verify the efficacy of any environmental impact management plans, there is no alternative to instituting monitoring programs. We offer various services to provide our clients with continuous stream of data on the conditions of their project areas. This includes periodic or on demand sampling and testing of ground water wells and sediments, installation and monitoring of peizometers. Our services include installation and operation of air quality stations and installation and operation of meteorological stations.


Bathymetry and Hydrology

Blue Horizon offers hydrology services including bathymetry, current profiling and ground water monitoring and hydrogeology. These services are provided in partnership with leading international consulting firms. Blue Horizon provides staffing with experience in the areas of surface water hydrology, water rights, water use, modeling of hydrology and water allocation systems. Services also include resolving water supply and resource issues with professionals with extensive expertise in the political and legal issues surrounding federal, tribal and governorate water rights and claims.